Sibelius 6 not opening Music XML from Musescore?

• Sep 22, 2011 - 09:26

I'm trying out MuseScore as an alternative notation program for our students here to use at home, as many of them cannot afford to purchase Sibelius which we use in school. I thought I would test out the compatibility between the two, but when opening an exported music XML file from MuseScore in Sibelius 6, I get the following error:

Sibelius 6
Fatal error: "An exception occurred! Type:MalformedURLException, Message:The URL used an unsupported protocol" at line 0 column 0. Sibelius 6 cannot load this file.

Is this more of a problem with Sibelius than with MuseScore? Any advice would be great. Congratulations on an excellent piece of software!


I often go between Sib5 and MuseScore without problem. The error looks very weird. Have you tried more than once? Can you attach the file?

In reply to by lewk

FWIW, it also works just fine using the Sibelius 6 demo on Vista.

Looking at the XML file itself, the only URL I see is the in the DOCTYPE declaration at top, and it looks normal to me. Looks the same as the URL used when exporting MusicXML from Finale.

So it really does seem to me the file is fine, and the issue is with your particular Sibelius installation. Are you able to import other MusixXML files?

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