Highlighted measure when adding most palettes symbols by double-clicking
GIT commit: ac629b7 / Windows7
1) "My First Score"
2) Select a measure
3) Double-click on any symbols of the Repeats & Jumps palette, eg a Coda, or Segno etc. (except the first one, Measure repeat)
Expected result:
Actual result: the measure remains hightlighted, even after doing "Escape"
- The way to solve this is to drag the repeat/jump symbol.
I observe a change on last September, 28.
So, the cause is between:
- this nightly (work): 34f1cfc
- and this one (doesn't work): 303c061
Same issue with Clefs, Key Signatures, Time Signatures, Barlines, Brackets, Breaks & Spacers, Frames & Measures
Came up again: #140261: Regression: highlighted "drop zones" lingering
Fixed in branch master, commit d85ff2851b
fix #137406: Highlighted measure when adding most palettes symbols by double clicking
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.