Notes disappear when working with voices (?)

• Dec 1, 2011 - 12:18
S4 - Minor

Hi, this is what I see:

1. I enter a chord with 3 notes. (Without caring for voices.)
2. I select the lowest one, and press the "2" button --> Now I have two stems, one up, and one down. OK.
3. I select the middle one --> "1" gets automatically selected)
4. I press the "2" button --> The lowest note disappears!

Is this a bug?

Thank you:


Title [Trunk] Loosing notes when working with voices (?) Notes disappear when working with voices (?)
Status (old) active needs info

Hi csillag

I can't seem to reproduce (bit confused).

Could you try in a nightly build, or source code and provide more steps?

Failed for me. It should convert the middle note of the chord to the second voice and merge with the first note that was also switched to second voice, but instead the second (middle) note disappears. His steps worked for me.

1. Create a 3-note chore in voice 1 (G, B, D)
2. Select the G and switch it to voice 2 (with the voice 2 button)
3. Select the B and switch it to voice 2. The B will disappear instead of merging with the G in voice 2.

If I understand,
: the 3 notes are added in one voice, a chord.
: a note is selected and changed to the 2nd voice.
: another note in the 1st voice is selected and changed to the 2nd voice.
: the previous 2nd voice note disappears.

This makes sense as the 2nd selection of voice 2 will overwrite the previous selection of a 2nd voice.

We use the shift function to add notes to a chord in any voice, but I am not sure that this will allow the 2nd selection of "voice 2" to add rather than overwrite.

This would make sense if the first note switched disappeared. But it doesn't - it's the second note (the one just being switched) that disappears.

However, my question is more basic: who says that clicking a note then click a voice icon is supposed to change the voice of that note? I do recall there being discussion at one time about adding a feature whereby one could easily move a single note from one voice to another. Is that officially supported, and it this how you do it? If so, it seems pretty broken; I'm unable to get it to work at all really. I know it would have to limited to "easy" cases where there is a place to put the moved note, but the cases I tried coming up with don't work.