midi remote control bug

• Nov 3, 2016 - 21:57
Reported version
S4 - Minor
needs info

i have a midi keyboard controller, which has some additional buttons ect on it. when i record remote control actions in app settings (under note input), the notes C, B natural and D don't work in some octaves (lower ones), but when i clear the midi control options, all the notes can be played and used for input normally.
Thank you in advance for your help, i really appreciate the app ...
Best regards

GIT commit: 6347ed6


So apparently a Mac and MuseScore
Don't assign an issue to yourself, unless you plan to fix it yourself too.
And it may be better to ask that quetion in the forum first, before assuming it to be a bug.

Status (old) active needs info

Can you give the brand and model of your keyboard?
Which keys did you record exactly before the problem happened? Can you give steps to reproduce?

Alesis V mini
I recorded actions for input of the whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, 8ths and 16ths and pause, tie and abbrevation dot (I hope I used correct expressions in english...)

Alesis V mini
I recorded actions for input of the whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, 8ths and 16ths and pause, tie and abbrevation dot (I hope I used correct expressions in english...)

I just encountered the same bug. Assigning certain keys/switches on the master keyboard to
'Midi Remote Control' events mutes certain notes during note input.
Here's what I think happens:

- For certain buttons/pads/keys the master keyboard sends note-on events on midi channel
10 (the percussion channel in GM).
- It seems as if the 'midi record' function doesn't record the channel of the midi event that
gets recorded.
- During note input, if a note on event arrives, if it happens to have the same note number
as the asigned button (even so on another channel) that event gets processed as a remote
control event.

To me it looks like that Remote Control dialog needs some care and reworking.
For example, one can bind 'undo' but not 'redo' etc.
It might be a good idea to be able to assign all available actions to midi events.