MuseJazz font doesn't work well in Scribus

• Dec 11, 2011 - 20:29
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

I tried installing the MuseJazz font on my system normally hoping to use it in documents created in LibreOffice, Scribus, and other programs, but Scribus does not display it. I get empty text or boxes when applying it to text.. Scribus says right up front that they are picky about fonts, but older versions of the font worked, so I imagine I mucked it up somehow with all the changes I made for 1.1. I plan to go through and sort through this myself, but figured I'd log an issue in case someone else has some pointers they can give me right away. Like, does anyone know what specifically can be wrong with a font that would cause problems for Scribus?


Status (old) active closed

Update: as Scribus 1.4.0 was just released a couple of weeks ago, I installed it, and found the current MuseJazz seems to work OK. I don't doubt that there are some sort of oddities in MuseJazz that caused the problems in previous versions of Scribus, but I am not going to worry about this, since the font seems to work in the current Scribus as well as all other programs I tried it with. Besides, we do not actually distribute MuseJazz except embedded within the application.

So I am closing this issue. I do plan to submit a slightly improved version of MuseJazz "soon" - hopefully in time for 1.2 - with improved kerning and perhaps a few of the diacritic characters. I will endeavor not to break compatibility with Scribus.