How to make a ' Coda' repeat the section already assigned to it

• Nov 23, 2016 - 04:11

Is there a way to make a ‘DS al Coda’ Repeat itself without having to add an extra measure to accomplish this
I have a total of 60 measures without repeats. The song of course plays from measure 1. Thru to measure [55]. Playing the ‘D.S. al Coda’ placed at [55], It returns to measure [21] where the segno is placed and continues to play thru to measure [36] When the D.S. al Coda is finished It then plays measures [56] thru to measure [60]
However, What I would like to do is have the ‘D.S. al Coda’ to return to measure [21] where the segno is place and play it for the second time thru to measure [36]. And then continue on to the end

Attachment Size
How to Repeat a ' Coda'.mscz 11.11 KB


In reply to by jeetee

First of all thank you for your help! Having performed the directions you gave, it is sad to say; your method is not suited to work for me. As there was one major flaw. The whole song must play once (including the chorus) before the D.S al Coda can be played but placing the repeat barlines in measures 3 to 8 (which is the chorus) causes this section to be played twice in the first instance. The chorus is only to be repeated twice at the end of the song (not during the song). This will mean I need/have to add an extra page to be able to repeat the chorus which was something I was trying to avoid. Especially when it comes to having to print extra pages (which is the real issue) while it could have been remedied, with a repeat configuration. Something like the D.S al Coda that jumps to the section specified and is then able to repeat it as well would have been perfect. Thank you again for trying to help

In reply to by Rita Lions

Remove the D.S al Coda, signo and Coda that you entered with the repeats palette and replace them with system text. All the symbols are under "Insert Special Characters" which is the button picture with an "a" in it in the very bottom left hand corner of the MS window.

In reply to by mike320

Oops, I mentioned the printing was the real issue however, I didn’t mean that I didn’t want the D.S al Coda to work… I’m sorry for the miss understanding; (my mistake). The D.S al Coda is my priority to having it work without having the barlines being added to the chorus. All it had to do was jump to the start of the chorus…play it...and then jump back to the start of chorus and play it again. I understand the request is always simple but the performance thereof is something else. ..:) Thank you for your help.

In reply to by Rita Lions

If I understand correctly the D.S al Coda is being executed along with the hidden repeats and voltas you inserted from a previous post. If you delete just the D.S. al Coda you entered using the repeat palette none of the other symbols will be used. So that it plays right and looks right, enter system text the says "D.S. al Coda" so MS doesn't try to execute the command along with the repeats. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear in my previous post. I also forgot that once the D.S. al Coda was "removed" MS would never execute the "to Coda" and would just blow through all the other symbols as though they weren't there. You don't even need to look through the special symbols to enter the coda and signo symbols.

In reply to by jeetee

I have looked at it and I modified it the way I suggested. In your sample with the D.S. al Coda removed it plays the following:

1 - 7
3 - 7
3 - 7
3 - 4
8 - 10

This is what it sounds like you are describing in the sample, but since you have different measure numbers in the sample than your request I'm not 100% sure.

I have attached my modified score. The only thing I did was to delete the custom jump you entered and changed it to staff text.

In reply to by mike320

Mike, are you aware that I did not post the request but am responding to it with a possibly solution, just like you are.
Again, in my sample, the custom jump was already disabled by clearing out its jump location field (see inspector). Deleting it has no effect on playback at all. And indeed, if I play back your 'modified' version, there is no difference at all.

What you've described is NOT how it should play back, nor how it does here on Win7/2.0.3. Just to be sure,k you're also talking about the attachment from called 142096_How to Repeat a ' Coda'_0.mscz ?

Because that does play back as:
1 - 7
3 - 7
3 - 4
8 - 10

So the only thing left here, is getting feedback from Rita on what the desired sequence should be according to her.

In reply to by jeetee

Sorry I couldn’t get back sooner!
The sequence the song plays at the moment having a total of 60 measures

Whole song 1-55
Returns to chorus section 21-36
Plays last line 55-60
What I would like the sequence to do when it jumps from (36) to the coda (55) is to return to the chorus section (21-36) then to (55-60) instead of playing (55-60) so this is how it should look like
Sample attachment plays
what I want it to play
I hope anyone trying to help understands what I am saying??
PS: I have not mastered/conquered Musescore yet so it take me a little longer to get desired affect so I hope you are all patient with me?

In reply to by mike320

The modified attachment you gave works beautifully however, when I incorporated this method into my own score, the second volta which you have in measure 8 fails to work in my measure (55) even by creating a new clean music sheet. So I deleted this volta in my own score, measure (55) and replaced it with a D.S segno and this is now working the same as your modified attachment. Sooo… thank you very very much as your effort gave me the desired affect and together we have successfully achieved my goal. Thank you so much!!

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