[2.0] r5216.7. Changing same time signature twice causes crash

• Jan 16, 2012 - 15:39
S2 - Critical

[2.0] r5216.7

1) Create a piano score with template. Don't change anything (the time signature will be 4/4 by default)
2) Drag a 3/4 time signature from the palette and drop it on the treble 4/4. Nothing changes (the 4/4 remains)
3) Drag a 3/4 time signature from the palette and drop it on either the treble or bass 4/4.
4) The program crashes. No error message,it just shuts down.

Thank you.


Using: Nightly r5224.7 ---running Windows xp.
Well, It still crashes:

1)Create a piano score with template (with default 4/4)
2)Drag drop a 5/4 time signature over the 3rd bar, treble staff. Now the bar admits 5 black notes, but the 5/4 numbers don't apear.
3)Drag drop a 5/4 time signature over the 3rd bar, treble staff AGAIN. Now the 5/4 numbers appear ONLY on the treble staff.
4)Drag drop a 5/4 time signature over the 3rd bar, BASS staff. Now the 5/4 numbers appear on the bass staff.
5)Drag drop a 6/4 time signature over the 6TH BAR, treble staff.---->>CRASH!!!

Thank you!