crescendos and Decrescendos

• Mar 18, 2012 - 16:32
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

When I Try to use the Cres. or Decres. I Hear NO change in the Sound Level -Dynamics Work , but Not Crescendos or Decrescendos - How Do I Get them to WORK?!!!


Are you you following the instructions in the plugin that you just submitted an issue against, or are you just expecting crescendos to playback without having to use the plugin? I'm guessing you posted this in the wrong place, and haven't actually tried the plugin. The plugin *does* work if you install it and follow the instructions. If you *have* installed the plugin and are having trouble getting it to work, it would help if you posted the *specific* series of steps you followed, along with the score you tried it on.

But again, I suspect you posted this in the wrong place, and haven't actually tried the plugin you just submitted an issue against, in which case we should close this "issue".

If you are just wondering why crescendos don't "work" without needing to run a plugin, you have to keep in mind that MuseScore is a *notation* program first and foremost. Crescendos *do* work in the sense they need to work in a notation program: they display and print just fine. They just don't happen to also playback, at least not currently. But others have requested this too, so it probably will some day. Again, though, you must keep in mind that the primary purpose of MuseScore is notation, not playback, and realize that feature requests are prioritized accordingly.

Thanks for the Information It Does Help ! I am Not a Computer Genius by any means , I'm Just Learning My way Around the Computer as well as MuseScore ! I appreciate it when someone can Patiently explain these things to Me Without Making Me Feel Stupid!!!! It Really Helped!

Status (old) closed active

I have been using this plugin for quite some time now; for me it has stopped working. I assign dynamics to notes in a passage; then I select the first and last notes of the passage; then I go to the plugins menu and select the plugin. On playback, there's no change in the volume. I've tried almost everything but manually assigning note velocities, inasmuch as using dynamics is the preferred modus operandi. Besides, if I were to assign velocities manually, I have no point of reference for what the plugin would use as a velocity for, say, pp or ff. So I'd like a little help with this plugin, please. Much obliged.

The plugin hasn't changed, so it must be something you are doing wrong, or something special about the specific score you are trying to use it on. Rather than submitting this as an issue, try posting a thread to the Support forum, with the actual score you are using it on and the specific steps you are following.

> "MuseScore uses the dynamics to velocity mapping as per"

Apple's Logic Pro 9 uses the value 32 instead of 33 for pp (pianissimo) and 48 for p (piano) instead of 49--increments each dynamic volume indicator by 16 (except of course from fortissimo [112] to forte fortissimo [127], which is only 15, for obvious reasons):…

Maybe MuseScore should "follow suit"?