Pasting selection including a line causes crash

• Mar 25, 2012 - 10:12
S2 - Critical

1. Open the attached score
2. Select 1st 10 bars of part 1
3. Hit copy
4. Select 1st bar of part 2
5, Paste

Result - crash

NB - removing the Voltas does not help - MuseScore still crashes on pasting the selection.

R5494 but has been happening in previous nightlies

Attachment Size
Man of mystery.mscz 3.27 KB


After some experimentation

I have narrowed it down to bar 8 which is causing the crash.

Why? I have no idea, but selecting that bar, copying and pasting results in MuseScore crashing.

Status (old) closed needs info

"You could always use just a plain line and drag it into place to fake it."

That's what I did!

So this needs looking into.

Here are the exact steps to reproduce:

1. Drag a line from the symbols palette so it is anchored on a measure.
2. Slect that measure and copy.
3. Try to paste.

Result: Crash.

Top post crash is fixed in 89589638b9

I can't reproduce #8

And as a side note, to add a final hook to a volta, do not fake it but right click -> line properties and add the hook there.