Mixer window too wide

• Jan 19, 2017 - 15:07
Reported version

2.1 dev. / Win 7


The 2.1 mixer is unaccountably wider than the one in 2.0.3:

2.0.3 on top. 2.1 at bottom



Make both as narrow as possible without getting a horizontal slider and you'll see they are the same width.
Even if I make then wide enough as to show what your's show, they have the same width.

Are both using the same language setting and the same soundfont(s)?

My guess is the difference is in the name of one of the sounds in one of the soundfonts loaded. The dropdown menu for sounds appears to be sizing itself according to the longest name, which I would have to think is probably normal/correct behavior.

So maybe it's a question of different soundfonts, or maybe there was a change to the soundfont actually used in 2.1. Try a revert to factory settings, if that doesn't make the sizes the same, then check the actual contents of the dropdown to see what the longest name is on your system. For 2.0.3 with the default soundfont, it is "Mellow Yamaha Grand", and the dropdown is just wide enough by default to accommodate that.

"Make both as narrow as possible without getting a horizontal slider and you'll see they are the same width. Even if I make then wide enough as to show what your's show, they have the same width."

I did exactly the same and now the widths and layout are the same. Same soundfonts. 2.1 is set to "system" (UK), 2.0.3 to US English. But there seems to be no problem now.

Status (old) active needs info

As far as I know the Default soundfont hasn't (yet?!) changed for 2.1

These are 2 different translations. Try with the same