part missing in PDF export

• Mar 9, 2017 - 15:06

When exporting my score to PDF, all is fine EXCEPT that the voice part is not there. As you can see from the screen shot, it is on the score between TBN 4 and Guitar. However if you look at the TABS at the top, the voice part is missing there as well!
Any clues as to how I can resolve this?



Attachment Size
Voice missing on pdf.png 53.63 KB


In reply to by onscuba

You need to go to the file menu and select Parts... Then you need to press New (not New all) Enter the part name where it says "Part" to the right, then scroll down and check the voice from the list of instruments under it. If you want the tab next to the trombone you will need to make sure the part is selected on the left and use the arrow to move it up. It will default to being the last part, so you'll have to scroll all the way down to it.

I'm guessing the voice was added after all the rest of this was done, either by you are someone else.

My guess is, you generated the parts at one point by doing File / Parks / New All, but then added an instrument to the score later. Any time you add instruments after generating parts, you need to go back to File / Parts and generate a part for the newly-added instrument as well.

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