Note head of seconds incorrectly positioned
1. Open attached score (produced in 1.2).
Result: The note head of B in the second chord is positioned differently compared to the original.
Discussion: The note head of a second note should appear on the stem (like the C ♯), rather than next to it. LilyPond also matches the original excerpt.
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (ddb0eba) - Mac 10.7.5.
Am I correct about what should happen?
Took me a minute to see what you meant - at first glance, the posted examples look identical. But zooming in, I can see the B notehead in the MuseScore example is a coule of pixels too far to the left.
The behaviour is different at the moment.
Although the noteheads are on the stem, they seem to be protruding the other side of it slightly (look at the white area). Maybe only the left notehead.
It could be influenced by this: #22339: Stems thicker than the stave line
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (025f37c) - Mac 10.7.5.