"Score Information" dialog too big for screen with 768 height

• May 3, 2017 - 09:04
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

= What is expected to work (according to System requirements) =
MuseScore (for Windows) requires "1024x600 pixel resolution"

= How to reproduce =
On a Windows 7 system with resolution of 1366 x 768
1 Open a score in Musescore 2.1
2 File -> Save Online (assuming you are authenticated already) (shows dialog box) Score Information
3 RESULT The Close / Save buttons are hidden by the Windows task bar. Dialog box cannot be
resized down to a height that will make the dialog fit.

= Expected Behaviour =
* Close / Save buttons are visible by default, without performing any of the below Workarounds.

= Workarounds =
* Drag task bar to side of screen
* Increase resolution
* If you grab the dialog by the bottom of the title bar, and drag it to the top, the buttons are visible.

= Suggestion =
* Reduce the default minimum sizes for the text boxes Description and Changes (which both consist of large blocks of white space, which will probably go unused).
* Assuming that Increase the minimum system requirement height from 600 to 768 if there are too many issues with making MuseScore useable at 600 height.

= Attachments =
Screenshots of the Score Information dialog at a height of 600 and 768 pixels.
