Demo scores - one score after another in MuseScore
In Czech Forum was posted the question concerning the score/instruments insertion features in MuseScore: the placement of scores - one after another - obviously with different keys, in one score/project document.
The MuseScore user wants to make something like a score with demos. The time of Christmas probably raised that need.
The structure described by user:
Title 1
(Subtitle 1)
follows 10 measures of score - carol
Insertion of another score (maybe another instrument/or more probably the of same instrument)
Title 2
(Subtitle 2)
follows 10 measures of score - carol
Title 3
(Subtitle 3)
follows 10 measures of score - carol
I suggested the solution in usage of plugin Break every X measures, and insertion of vertical frames - for Text -> Title insertion - and move down to the right position, the turning off numbers of measures, deleting names of instruments, ... and manual drawing of key signatures :-D (now I can't remember if it is somehow possible to divide the score and continue with changed/other key signature (or I should read the Manual once again...)
So here is my solution (if there is no need to change the key signature, measure numbering OFF, instrument names OFF):
Create -> Measures
Break every X measures (Break every 10 measures)
-> Insert Vertical Frame
...and the result isn´t exactly perfect. :-)
Tor quite a short time it seemed to me, that it is very easy task, and that the insertion of new instrument resolves it - but then when tested again, the newly inserted instrument joind the first (as second staff) in one grand system, and this finally wasn´t the solution, which was demanded.
Other options?
1 New score, with title (and subtitle)
2 Intruments of your choice
3 On the measure where a new piece or movment starts do a 'insert vertical frame' (no need of line breaks!)
4 add Title (and subtitle) via right-click into the frame
5 Change properties of that measure to substarct the prec 10 measures, so the measure count starts at 1 again
change time and key sig, if needed, and diable courtesy key sig and naturals (via right-click on key sig) and courtesy time sig (via style menu)
6 Add instrument, if needed.
repeat 3 -6 as often as needed
last) when all notes are entered, tick 'hide empty staves' in the style menu