Can't apply dot after creating note in note entry mode

• Apr 6, 2013 - 05:49
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor
by design

1. enable note entry mode (N)
2. create a note
3. press period

Expected: note becomes dotted
Actual: nothing happens

Workaround: disable note entry mode (N), hit period, re-enable Note Entry mode

MuseScore: d63eee2

MacOS 10.8.3


Unless I'm missing something, this is normal and to be expected. Dots are part of duration. Like all other duration commands in note entry mode, they only affect the next note to be added, not any notes already added. See Note entry on the Handbook. Pressing dot after entering a note isnt supposed to change existing notes any more than pressing any other duration key does. Feel free to reopen if I am misunderstanding what you are saying.

Hmm... OK. I expected it to work like the Q (shorten) and W (lengthen) keys which apply to the note just added as well as future notes.

I'll try issuing the dot up front and see if that works.

I'm new to the app, but I hope this perspective is useful (that is, how the app feels to a newbie).