
• Aug 1, 2009 - 20:51

Staccato is poorly places.

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Staccato.png 61.93 KB


The same thing happens with tenuto. I have noticed that the issue only seems to appear on notes that are on a staff line (ie. G, B, high D and so on). Notes between staff lines look ok.

Also, at least in my experience the issue does not appear all the time. Do you have a list of steps to reproduce the problem? That would probably make it easier to pinpoint the bug.

In reply to by perholje

I recently switched to r 1944.

It has been a while since I looked at this file, but I don't remember noticing it previously, and I think I would have.

As best I can remember, I simply added the staccatos to the lower line and then added another staff and copied.

I'm not able to reproduce this problems starting with a new score.

If you go to Style > Edit Style > Articulations and Ornaments what settings you you have for the three numbers for articulation distance? I have 1.00, 0.50, and 1.00.

Using r2006 (self-built, winXP) I am getting this problem all the time. I find that if I set the articulation/ornamentation style properties to 1.00, 1.00, 0.50 - it's much better (but this needs more testing agains other types of articulations). So maybe it's just a matter of setting the proper defaults. It is strange however, that the problem only appears some times and not always.

It can be tricky to reproduce consistently, but it seems to appear when you use more than one voice.

  1. Create a new score from the piano template
  2. Start note entry with N
  3. Select eights (4) and enter (from high C) CD, E, F.
  4. Switch to voice 2 (Ctrl+I, Ctrl+2 and enter the same note sequence one octave lower than the first. (use Ctrl+Up or Down to shift the notes one octave up or down)
  5. Select all of the notes, using Shift+Left/Right
  6. From the Articulation/Ornamentation palette, double-click on Staccato

Expected result: Staccato is applied to each selected note, with proper spacing so you actually can see the staccato symbol.
Actual result: Staccato is applied, but is too close to the notehead on all staff/ledger line notes. (Lower C, E, high D, F)

In reply to by perholje

In a older revision of MuseScore the defaults were apparently .25 .25 .50. Since the templates were created before we switched to 1.0 0.5 1.0 they still had the old styles.

Removing the old articulation style settings from template files fixes the problem. (Fixed in r.2008).

In reply to by Jm6stringer

here´s a picture showing the case. It happend when I exerpt one instruments voice out of the whole score.

Everything was higgledy- piggledy. Especially the Letters A, B, C, D as marks I adjusted in the complete score in system text were shifted sticking in the middle of the lines.

I somehow retrieved some improvement having found a saved template ( style sheet ? ) called jazzsheet.mss. But the staccato points are lurking weirdly arround to closely to the heads of my notes.

I never achieved a sattisfying transformation from total score to a single voice excerpt.
I always had to adjust everything manually and in a score with a dozen instruments it can´t be intended by a program doing this.

Furthermore I glimpsed something like a bugfix concerning dynamic signs which font size won´t change without resetting musescore.
Size changing works perfectly well but ...
I can´t change the space between dynamic signs and stave.
( Perhaps its preseted in this "mainsheet.mss" so it can´t be changed at all? )

Hopefully the thing with the staccato dots would further me much.
Perhaps some other advice how to get a proper sheet and standard look for every single voice would be kind.

thanks in advance

Attachment Size
staccato.jpg 7.85 KB

In reply to by Troubadix

There's not much that can be done from a picture - you'd have to post the actual score and step by step instructions describing what you are doing.

Generally, markings in scores should be positioned in the parts in a nice way, *unless* you attached the markings to totally different notes or measures then tried to drag them into position. It's important markings actually be *attached* to the correct notes or measures, not just dragged into proximity.

That said, sometimes articulations do need a little manual adjustment. Double clik and arrow keys does the trick when this becomes necessary.

In reply to by Troubadix

Without seeing the actual score, I still can't tell what things are supposed to look like or why they might not. So please post the score - which presumably will look correct when we load it - and then describe step by step how to reproduce the problem if there are steps other than just going to File / Parts and generating the part.

In reply to by Troubadix

One thing I see is that you are apparently using Staff text, with the System flag set, to simulate Rehearsal Marks. Is there a reason you didn't simply use rehearsal marks? Not that it shouldn't have worked the way you did it. But I also wonder why the relY parameter in text properties is set to -2%? I think that is the problem. I don't really understand that parameter, but whatever 2% is relative to, apparently it is different for the score versus the part. I guess maybe you were fiddling around with things trying to get your oversized letters to align nicely?

I think what you should do is change the text properties to align the *bottom* of the letters, and then use a different value for the vertical offset (3sp seems to produce about the same effect as you have), and then set the relY back to 0. If you do this, then the parts will come out the same.

I gather there are other issues you are seeing here, but I'm not sure what exactly? The staccato dots look fine when I generate the tuba part.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanksa lot indeed,

It's my first month with this program and I'm pretty sattisfied with my progress but I never ever heard of rehearsal marks^^

By the time I wanted to add "big letters" to structure the score I was looking only desultorily for a solution and couldnt have a idea of how this might be called in english ^^.

So, I applied System text and adjusted it, as you figured out, to get a proper complete score sheet. Therefore, to get this result I was changing the y patameters, bustling arround.

So, if I summarize what you're saying mainly:

I need to keep the Standard parameters ( for everything?) dont chamging anything at all. ( what would also mean that I keep voltas lingering arround in the middle of the stave? )
Or is this only valid for System Text?

I'll now First of All change the System rehearsal marks to replace true ones.

Thanks again

In reply to by Troubadix

It's not that you shouldn't change anything at all. But it helps to understand what you are actually doing :-). I don't mess with relY because i don't understand it. The others are pretty straightforward.

It doesn't actually matter if you use system text or rehearsal marks. But rehearsal marks are predefined to already be big and nicely positioned, with a box around them. So it's seldom necessary to mess with the defaults. But when you do, it's usually better to make the change in Style / Edit Text Style so the effect is global. Unfortunately, this won't affect marks already entered. So the first time you enter something and don't like how it is positioned, ask yourself if you'll likely want other similar elements positioned similarly, and if so, make the change immediately in text style.

Voltas indeed almost always need to be positioned manually in the current release. They appear wherever you drag them, as opposed to snapping nicely above the measure. In e next release this will be better.

If you are creating what is essentially a big band chart, you might find it useful to start from the Jazz Big Band template, which sets a number of things up appropriately for that type of music.

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