Incorrect positioning of augmentation dots in small chord in multivoice context

• Sep 25, 2013 - 21:47
S4 - Minor

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Click on a note of Voice 1 in bar 2.
3. 'View'>'Inspector'.
4. Tick 'Small' in the 'Chord' section.

Expected result:

Incorrect positioning of augmentation dots in small chord (Expected result).png

Actual result: The augmentation dots are too far away from the chord.

Incorrect positioning of augmentation dots in small chord (Actual result).png

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (1d79cc0) - Mac 10.7.5.


Title Incorrect positioning of augmentation dots in small chord Incorrect positioning of augmentation dots in small chord in multivoice context

FWIW, this issue seems only to affect chords in a multivoice context, and even then only if there is a note/chord that starts at the same time position in another voice. If there is no other voice, or if the other voice contains a rest starting at that time position, or if there is no new chord/rest starting at that time position in the other voice, then the dots display normally. Also, it only seems to kick in if the *chord* (as opposed to individual notes) is set to small.

So I don't think there is any question it's a bug, but indeed, a relatively minor one.

Status (old) needs info active

You can set the note-dot distance however you like. I think it probably *should* scale with chord size - some other similar settings do - but currently, it doesn't. I'm re-opening to take another look, but realistically, the current default is not bad - I think you adjusted it *too* far :-). But I think properly scaled it should be somewhere between the two, which will be even better.

Definitely more minor than before though.

Status (old) active patch (ready to commit)

As is often the case, I found a number of other related issues while fixing this. They are all covered by the following PR:

The following vtests use very large values for dot & accidental distance and very small values for small chord/note/staff size to make the effect more apparent:



Attachment Size
chord-layout-14-ref.png 9.4 KB
accidental-9-ref.png 12.79 KB