Corruption on note entry after clearing measure

• Sep 27, 2013 - 23:21
S2 - Critical

I've been seeing variations on this a while now, but I finally realized the (simple) steps to reproduce:

1) open attached score
2) click an empty spot in measure 2 to select it
3) hit Delete (Fn-Delete on Mac, I guess) to clear contents
4) Press N to enter Note Input mode *without first clicking anywhere*
5) Press C to enter a C

Expected result: a C quarter note is placed at the beginning of the measure, rest of measure filled with quarter rest & half rest, original full measure rest gone
Actual result: a half rest is inserted in the middle of the measure, with the original full measure rest also still present

At this point the score is semi-corrupt. Selecting the measure and hitting Delete again does seem to fix it. Undo is not your friend here, though.

The problem seems to occur right at step 4 - you can tell by the cursor location that trouble is brewing before you try to enter the note at step 5.

I'm calling it critical due to the corruption, even though it's possible to recover if you act wisely and soon enough.

Windows 7, GIT commit: eee9f5f

Attachment Size
corrupt-note-entry.mscz 1.35 KB


Confirmed, I think.

Is this a new score in 1.3?

Is it only with keyboard entry?

I agree this is critical, even if it can be sorted.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (f225827) - Mac 10.7.5.

The score was created from scratch in 2.0. But I believe it would happen with any score, as it was quite easy to reproduce once I figured out the trick (delete full contents of measure, N, enter notes). Feel free to see for yourself if it it fails for other forms of note entry as well; I am not at my computer. Since the bug seems to be in the positioning of the cursor, I'd guess it would affect any cursor-based method.