Text Style & Text Properties missing from context menu for rehearsal marks & repeat text
Windows 7, GIT commit: d438623
1) create score
2) add rehearsal mark
3) add "Fine"
4) right click either of the above markings
Result: "Text Style" and "Text Properties" fail to appear in context menu as they do for other text elements. The generic context menu is used rather than the text one.
There are of course other elements where it could arguably make sense to add this - tuplet & volta numbers, etc. But that could be trickier since those elements are not plain text - they are a part of a larger element.
What about tempo text?
That was already working, wasn't it? Works for me anyhow - right click, I see both Text Style and Text Properties in the menu. Only rehearsal marks and repeats were missing these.
OK, I didn't check, just looked at the PR...
Fixed in 384308e04a
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.