How to change number of measures of system within score?

• May 24, 2014 - 03:10

My score has 4 measures per system. But I need to accommodate a lot of 16th notes and want a single system with only 3 measures.


Stepping back for a moment, it might help to post the score you are talking about. By default, you shouldn't need to do *anything* to have an unequal number of measures per system MuseScore already does a very good job of deciding how many measures to place per system based on fairly standard music engraving rules. So if you have a lot of sixteenths in one measure, then there will probably already be fewer measures on that system if you just let MuseScore decide for itself how many measures to place.

So perhaps you have already overruled this, telling MuseScore to always place four measures per system, using Style / Edit General Style / System / Fix Number of Measures? If so, you probably should turn that off (by setting the value back to its default of 0).

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