incorrect timimg

• Feb 26, 2018 - 12:15

I 've looked on the internet but cannot find a solution to my problem.
You will see from the file attached with reference to bar 2.
The score is in 6/4 time.and ostensibly there should not be a problem with what is written.
However, there should be distinct triplets at the front and at the end of this bar. You will see that muscore has attached the fourth note (d) and the eighth note (b) to the end and start of the two triplets respectively.
When the music is played the first triplet is playing as four quavers, the last triplet is also playing incorrectly.
Can you help me here?

Attachment Size
testold.mscz 6.9 KB


Timing seems perfectly fine here; check the status bar with those notes selected. It shows beat 1, 1.33, 1.66, 2 for the first four notes, just as expected.

If you want to break the beams notation wise, use the 'start beam' property on that forth note and on the first note of the last triplet from the Beams palette (

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