Can not set the time signature

• Jun 11, 2018 - 17:13
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Assistindo em alguns tutoriais sei que é possível configurar a quantidade de compassos por pauta, geralmente, manualmente acionando ENTER no final da barra para acrescentar e em outra anterior para "quebrar linha" ou acessando Estilos > Geral... > Sistema > definir a quantidade de compassos.

Mas isso é o que aparece nos tutoriais, no programa baixado não provêm desse opção conforme aparece na imagem. Ao clicar manualmente nas barras, me algum momento é bloqueado a configuração de outra deixando pauta esteticamente estranha.

Qual solução recomendam?

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Title Não é possível configurar o sistema de compasso Can not set the time signature
Status (old) needs info closed
Status needs info closed

Google translate:
In some tutorials I know that it is possible to configure the number of bars per staff, usually manually pressing ENTER at the end of the bar to add and in another one to "break line" or accessing Styles> General ...> System> set the amount of bars.

But this is what appears in the tutorials, the downloaded program does not come from that option as it appears in the image. When I manually click on the bars, me some time is locked the configuration of another leaving the agenda aesthetically strange.

Which solution do you recommend?

Well, this is the issue tracker, used for reporting bug (and should be kept in English). For support questions please go to the forum, which is also available in Portuguese.
I also don't get the connection between the title you picked and the content?

Setting the number of measures via Styles> General ...> System went away a long time ago, when MuseScore 2.0 got released. Instead use Edit / Tools / Add/Remove System Breaks.
For time signatures use the palette

This makes sure that every system has at most 4 measures, they may have less if they are 'busy' enough (like fill of 16th notes).
Whatever, please continue in the forums, and attach your score.