Changing the size and type of the MuseScore interface characters

• Jun 14, 2018 - 23:53

Hi, gang!!!

I don't know if it is possible to change the pitch (size) and type of the characters used by MuseScore into the whole interface... Is it possible??? How???

I'm not talking about the score itself.

I'm talking about bar, menu, inspector, etc, etc, etc.

Blessings & Greetings from Chile!!!



A few things:

1) MuseScore uses the system default for text in the user interface. So everything should be the same size and font as all other applications on your system. If you change your system defaults to use a different (eg, larger) font, this will affect all programs on your system, including MuseScore. That would be normally be the best option.

2) A small number of systems have a problem where the the monitor resolution is not reported correctly to MuseScore, causing it to make many things too small (or occasionally too big). To handle such cases, we provide the "-D" command line options to allow you to state the resolution explicitly. There is also a "-x" option that magnifies things by a given amount, this works a little different and can be helpful for some systems. Also setting the environment variable QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO to "auto" can help on some systems that report the screen resolution and fonts sizes differently. Unfortunately, there is little standardization for how high resolution displays are handled by the operating system, so there is a lot of trial and error invovled in getting things right.

3) As part of the Google Summer of Code, student Joshua Bonn is working on additional customization to the user interface, and the ability to set the main user interface font size may be one of them. So this may be coming in 3.0. See to follow his progress.

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