Workaround without deleting the rests?

• Jun 29, 2018 - 16:04

Hi i just started using this programm but I cant figure out how to make it work without the rests as in the first picture. I just read in another thread that I can't delete the rests but how is it gonna work then? So I want to transfer the notes from the photo into musescore sheets (screenshot).

Attachment Size
WhatsApp Image 2018-06-29 at 17.01.13.jpeg 40.55 KB
G7hwPKM.png 17.49 KB


You can't delete voice 1 rests. If you try, as of MuseScore 2.2, they turn invisible though.

Just enter the notes into voice 1 and there won't be any stray rests (and those that are, in voice 2-4, can get deleted)

In reply to by gandalf1122

See also my answer previously, though. My guess is this score came from a PDF or other import. In any case, it seems quite simply is hosed beyond easy repair. Better to start over. And then no need to worry about voices - voice 1 is the default. Just start entering notes normally and all should be well.

Hmm, that second picture looks like a giant mess. It's hard to say from just a picture - it's usually better to attach the actual score - but I'd recommend starting over and entering the notes from scratch.

If that is the result of an attempt at importing a PDF conversion, I'd say it failed miserably. I guess you could try again, but if it doesn't do better, I'd give up and enter it manually - which is going to be easier in many cases than cleaning up afterwards anyhow.

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