Starting With a Rest
I am attempting to transpose a piece of (guitar) music that begins with a chord, but the melody begins after a 2 beat rest. When I create a new score in 4/4 time, every measure is filled with a whole rest. How can I
a) Convert the first rest to a half, and add notes after, or
b) Add notes after and have Musescore convert the rest to a half?
Is this possible?
Sure, check
In every measure you can put anything you want on any beat. Set the durations and press 0 to get a rest and a letter a-g to get a note. I highly recommend you read and or watch some tutorials here
Thank you for the quick replies! I think I've been approaching this the wrong way. I've been starting by adding notes and then trying to go back and setting the beat (note duration). It seems the best approach is to set the note / rest type and duration first, before adding the note itself.
I need to slow down and be more methodical. Thanks, again.
In reply to Thank you for the quick… by fpuhan
Definitely, you want to get durations along with pitches. And enter everything left to right. Entering a rest at the beginning of a measure is no different from entering a rest anywhere else - select duration, enter the rest. It's just like entering a note except instead of typing a letter name, you use 0. You can use the toolbar if you really want to slow down, but the keyboard shortcuts let you be methodical and efficient.