MuseScore 3 Beta – Workspace selection in setup wizard

• Nov 28, 2018 - 17:31

When starting the beta for the first time, users are greeted by a setup wizard. In one of the steps of the setup users are asked to choose a workspace with "Basic" and "Advanced" being offered as options. I don't think it is reasonable to assume that first-time users are familiar with MuseScore's workspace feature. Therefore, I would recommend adding some sort of explanation (similar to the one for Tours), this would allow the user to make an informed selection.

Apart from that, what is the rationale for this option in the setup wizard? Would it perhaps make sense to make one of the two – "Basic" or "Advanced" – the default thereby eliminating this step in the setup wizard?

Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-28 um 18.21.49.png Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-28 um 18.21.55.png


If you ask me, the workspace names are incorrect to begin with. Perhaps basic and extended would be more meaningful in English. The indicates the choices are a limited number of options in the Basic workspace compared to the extended number of options in the Advanced workspace.

An explanation if these workspaces in the setup wizard seems wise (you can decide on the pun for yourself).

Originally (prior to MuseScore 2) there was only one workspace - what we now call Advanced. there was a perception mong some that it was too overwhelming for beginners, so the split into Basic and Advanced happened years ago. The decision was made to make Basic the default, as the whole idea was not to overwhelm beginners. Problem was now that people who might be beginners to MsueScore but not to music notation had trouble discovering MuseScore had more symbols than just those. How to satisfy both needs? Right now, best we can do is ask on startup - hey, do you want a stripped down simple interace, or do you want to see everything. No doubt, it could be explained better in thw wording - suggestions welcome. And we could also consider actually limiting the menus and toolbars accordingly as well (this wasn't possible in 2.0 but is in 3.0).

In reply to by RobFog

That wizard shows a list of workspaces, determined at runtime, that list currently has only 2, Advanced and Basic, but can have more and then such a text would need to get adjusted again. Also those workspaces' names are translated, so would need to get the same translation in that message.
So it isn't as easy as just adding that one text (repeated below)

"MuseScore provides two preset workspaces: Basic (the default option) and Advanced (a version with more palettes and symbols)."

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Can't we just get back to one workspace only?
Could sound stupid but I have the impression that the "advanced" one is a lot less impressive in 3.0 just due to the fact that icons are a lot smaller than 2.3.2, we can display more than 2 sets of icons where only one was displayed in 2.3.2, see:

In reply to by frfancha

It's not about the physical size, it's about how overwhelming they are to beginners (often children!) who really don't need to look at a palette with 17 clefs when they are only ever going to use two of them. And so on. It's still a valid concern. I think it's better served with no default so the user has to make a choice.

In reply to by mirabilos

For MuseScore 2, a "workspace" was defined as a set of palettes (plural - each individual section like "Accidentals" is a "palette", singular(). So switching workspaces switches palettes and nothing else. But for MuseScore 3, the workspace can optionally also include other elements, like toolbar and menu configuration as well as certain GUI-related settings (eg, font size selected in Edit / Preferences). So now, different workspaces could potentially look more radically different. So far, we haven't taken advantage of this to create any radically different palettes, but I have my eye on creating one for the primary education market at some point.

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