Is it possible to do a global word change in Lyrics ?

• Aug 29, 2019 - 08:16

I have a 4 part SATB choral score. In the lyrics, the word "alleluia" appears a zillion times. Is there a way to change all these to "Allelujah" ?

Or, in effect, I want to change every incidence of "iah" to "jah"
Can this be done ?

  • JohnC


In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

To me, there are actually two separate aspects to this:

  • The need for more flexible handling of lyrics specifically. This is normally assumed to involve a "lyrics editor" where you could type your lyrics as plain text (or bring them in from the score), do search/replace, copy and paste things from verse to verse, and generally make other changes that are kind of specific to the requirements of lyrics, then have the syllables automatically assigned to notes.

  • The need for more "word-processor-like" features for text in frames - word wrap, search/replace, justification and other paragraph style attributes, etc.

While search/replace is common to both use cases, the rest of the considerations really aren't.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

An old midi editor program had a useful (but primitive) lyric entry window (before DAWs).

The gaps between the existing notes were indicated by hypens and you were entering between them. You could see a preview of a primitive note window on the bottom layer as you type.
You cannot delete hypen characters because they are read-only.
When you press the spacebar, cursor jumps to the other side of the hyphen. (You can also use the arrow keys.)

empty lyric input window:

 - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - -


lyric enrty:

Some-where-o-ver-the-rain-bow - - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - -


If you blindly enter the lyrics (without looking at the primitive-score window), and if your lyrics are finished and there is still room to enter, you can also understand that you made a mistake: D

The good thing about it was that it could copy and paste to another software from here.
When you paste into a text editor, you would have space-chars instead of hypens.

Musescore makes half of it already, it only needs an input window.

Thanks to Jojo for that solution. It worked fine. Should have thought of it myself.

BSG's comments about Musescore's inability to handle text is fair enough at one level but setting that up would be a big task & I'm not sure how often the capability would be used.

Using a text editor on the mscx file worked well for me & all the system & frame text is in there as well if I needed to meddle with it.

(Don't talk about the war but ...) How well to the other major notation progs handle this sort of requirement ?

Thanks again,


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