Sticking Tool Improvement
Work flow would be improved if Sticking can be copy and pasted
The Sticking tool behaves differently on a single line instrument. See the bottom alignment of "Snare Line A" vs "MDL Snare Line" (The default for single line percussion instruments and marching instruments should be stems up)
The Sticking tool is useful for ALL percussion instruments, so I wouldn't suggest locking everything to a certain y-axis. (when notes go below the staff, the sticking will need to follow, like in the xylophone part.
For the MDL Bass Line 10 part, I don't believe there is a great solution, my preference would be to align the bottom even though all of the sticking would be a greater distance from the staff.
(image from finale)
Attachment | Size |
Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 10.34.15 AM.png | 151 KB |
Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 10.43.05 AM.png | 115.84 KB |
Sticking.mscz | 24.48 KB |
See #297514: Cannot copy and paste stickings in range or list selection regarding copy/paste. not sure what you mean about behaving "differently" for a single line instrument. What I see is that the default alignment and position could stand to be changed, but I don't see anything special about single line instruments? The position, btw, is relative to the bottom staff line, so one size should fit all, except for the question of stem directions. But that's not really about number of staff lines - five-line staves can have down-stem notes on the bottom line too (eg, drumsets).
In reply to See #297514: Cannot copy and… by Marc Sabatella
The bottom of the letters allign in a 5 line staff but not in a single line staff even if the stems are up. so especially lowercase "r" and "l" look displaced
In reply to The bottom of the letters… by Zac
Now that I am looking even more closely, maybe "r" and "l" are a little displaced in the 5-line staff also, but maybe it is more noticeable in the single line staff.