Why does everyone rave over Musescore?

• Jun 26, 2020 - 16:37

I'm starting to get into composing a little bit more, and will be doing so for college credit in the fall. I don't know THAT much (1 year of music theory), but I know some. Anyways, I was starting to play around. I've been using flat and it's worked pretty well. I'm trying Musescore because everyone raves about it and it's so hard to use! I highlight a note to change it and it jumps to the next note. I try adding chord symbols but there's no way to add the small dim circle. Why does everyone love musescore???


People love it because it is fantastic software that does 95% of what the $600 programs do, and it does it all for free.

But just like the $600 programs, it pays to consult the documentation sometimes.

Not sure what you are trying to change about a note or how you are trying to change it, or what mode you are in, but in general, to change pitch, using the up/down arrow keys, or to change its duration, use the duration shortcuts 1-9 or the toolbar buttons. No jumping to next note involved.

The diminished sign is added using the letter "o". Depending on which template or font or style setting you are using, it might actually be rendered just with the letter "o". That's the default in many styles because it is how many scores are published, but jazz charts, for instance, use the degree sign, and so do the jazz termpaltes and jazz chord symbol style settings.

Give it a chance. Flat is OK for simple tunes but when you get the hang of MuseScore you will find that its complexity works in your favour as you can do difficult things more quickly. Also, flat seems to have some limitations unless you pay a subscription whereas MuseScore is free.

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