Enter note deletes the first triplet sign after adding a linked staff

• Aug 26, 2014 - 05:26
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Nigthly, August 25 (f8feaf7) / Windows7

First reported in this issue: http://musescore.org/fr/node/30736

1) Open default score
2) Create a triplet
1create triplet.jpg
3) "I"
4) Add linked staff Tab. 6-st simple

Result: the triplet sign is deleted

- With a Tab. 6-st common (maybe the triplet sign is a little "tired", right?! )


Result: the triplet sign is deleted by entering the first note in the triplet


- Ditto with a Tab. 6-st full

Attachment Size
1create triplet.jpg 6.31 KB
2simple.jpg 10.76 KB
3common.jpg 11.84 KB
4common.jpg 12.92 KB
5full.jpg 13.37 KB
6full.jpg 13.4 KB


Oops... I wake up!

The default score does not to add a Tab staff. So, at the first step, start by creating a new score for acoustic guitar with standard staff.

I find I cannot reproduce this, on Linux or Windows. All three of the cases work as expected - simple, common, and full. The tuplet bracket remains after adding the linked staff, and remains after adding notes.

Is there perhaps another step missing?

If you can still reproduce, I am curious - is it only the most recently create tuplet that is affected? if you have score with dozens of triplets, and then you add a linked simple staff, do *all* the tuplets disappear?

Yes, this issue is active if you create one and only one empty triplet in standard staff, and then you link it to a tab staff.
If you create and paste multiple triplets (two, that's enough) in the standard staff, it works perfectly.
It is for this reason that I thought that was a little thing, with a minor priority, and that I wrote in the title "the first triplet".

But no one wanted to believe me! Or I misspoke in my expression, but I don't believe it!

So we can change for minor priority. However, I find that this issue ( http://musescore.org/fr/node/30751) does not deserve to be overlooked.

I think it will recur more frequently for users, and it is more disturbing to press a key that does not work, then it is supposed to be!

Oh, I believe you - it would have been hard to get the screen shots if it weren't true :-). But as I said, I cannot reproduce it. I tried all three scenarios on both Linux and Windows and they all worked. So I still wonder if there isn't some other missing step.

Oops... it seems works with the last Nightly c9c9076. Werner would he have made ​​the change on a very recent Nightly after reading my reply after the crash fix?
I check and I'll close the issue if necessary :)