Problem working with 11/4 time signature.

• Nov 10, 2020 - 02:36

I have a problem working with 11/4 time signature.

The notes get out of the system when they are close to the end of the last barline and It doesn't keep writting in the next system right below as it would happen with other time signatures.

I don't know how to fix it, I made some adjustments to the appearance for the moment.

PS: This also seems to happen with 10/4 and 9/4 sometimes
In most of the cases this problem appears when writting 16th note triplets and 32nd notes.

Thank you.

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The problem is that there are more notes in a measure than can fit on a system with your current settings. You need to do something about this. Options include reducing the stretch for the measures with problems, reducing the leading space on all of the notes in the measure using the inspector and reducing the scaling in Page settings or possibly a combination of two or more of these. One final option is to split the measure (using Tools->Measure->Split...) and making the bar line invisible.

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