How To Change The Scores Folder?

• Dec 29, 2020 - 05:52

I have set the scores folder to 'totalmusescores' which I created just to put all my scores from different places all together in one place

But when I open Musescore and select 'open score' it doesn't show me that folder to choose scores from.

Is it possible to do what I want to do?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ah. that did it. I opened one from my new folder and saved it back there again and shut down musescore.

when I opened up musescore again and asked to open a score it displayed the list from the new folder - i.e., as you say, the last folder I saved to.

so does that mean setting the 'scores' folder is redundant?

win10. musescore 3

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Except that if it is relevant only once after being set to your choice, it is just as if not relevant at all.
You could as well make your choice directly in the file dialog.
This setting should be removed as it is more confusing than anthing else.
OR a check box could be added to force a mode where MuseScore would always use the setting value ignoring the latest used folder for the users that would prefer that.

In reply to by frfancha

The point is we don't users to need to make a choice if they don't want - a significant number of people are really unfamiliar with organizing files into folders. We need a reasonable default, so we go to the trouble of establishing a MuseScore3/Scores folder and want this to be selected. I suppose we could hard-code that, but that seems out of character given that other folders can be configured in preferences. So I don;'t see any value in removing this.

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