Make bottom margins the same while retaining uniform staff spacing

• Jan 20, 2021 - 18:46

I have a piece of music (attached at the bottom of this document), and I would like for each of the section names to be on the top of the page. However, since most of the sections vary in length, there is almost no possible way to keep the line spacings and the bottom margin (where the music stops on the page) exactly the same from one page to the next as the number of lines differ between separate pages. Is there any possible workaround for this?

Thanks in advance for any help that is given!

The file in question: The Glass Prison.mscz


I'm sure you're not asking for math to be different than it is :-), but then it isn't clear what you are asking. if you want a page with 7 systems to have the same bottom margin as one with 8, you need different spacing. Or if you would rather keep constantly spacing, you'll necessarily have different margins. Either is possible, via appropriate settings in Format / Style / Page. Achieving both at once isn't possible in a Euclidean universe :-)

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