Impossible to create a single natural chord

• Mar 3, 2021 - 11:16
Reported version
S4 - Minor
by design

There is no way to add a single natural as an indication of a chord.
You can have anything natural (ABCDEFG etc.) but not a natural by itself.
It's needed notably in ancient music and in reduced chord notation.

Apart from that, it would be nice to have a consistent keyboard layout to enter accidentals (you have # for sharp, b for bemol in certain cases and nothing for natural) anywhere in MS (note entry, chord entry, alteration of turns, etc.)


Status active by design

A single natural has no meaning at all, so won't playback. You can enter it though, as "natural", this will turn into the sign when you leave edit mode (and add it to a root note). Or use the F2 palette

Regression No Yes
Status by design active

This doesn't function.
The attached sample shows a use case for the single natural.
I've not been able to have the word "natural" converted to a natural, except if it's preceeded by a note letter.
It doesn't function with a number either (for chords like 5 natural for example)

Attachment Size
Sample_for_natural.mscz 6.02 KB
Regression Yes No
Workaround No Yes

a single natural is not a chord symbol heither is a digit or a sharp or flat. In fact those don't work either, your score doesn't show a sharp (♯), but a #.

Workaround is use use the F2 palette (see the attached), and maybe staff text rather than chord symbols.

You may want Nashville Numbers or Roman Numeral Anylysis rather than Chord symbols?

Slsi you should update, that score stems from MuseScore 3.2.3, we're at 3.6.2 meanwhile.

Attachment Size
Sample_for_natural.mscz 5.86 KB
Status by design active

I'm afraid you're not accustomed with other chord notations than the anglo-saxon ones.
Please find enclosed a sample for a Purcell part with what we call "classical notation" (source:…). It clearly shows a single natural at the first beat of the second bar.

As you can see, we also use a multiple digits or symbols in vertical notation for chords. This is very common in France (every music student learns how to use this notation during the second cycle) and indicates the structure of the chord. It's coupled with a complementary roman indication of the degree.

BTW, the workaround you gave me solves my problem, thank you for your time and attention.
Perhaps do I have to fill a new issue to suggest the support of this analytic notation?

Status active by design

Chord Symbols are not not designed for what you want to (mis-)use them for.
A single sharp, flat, natural or a number is not a chord symbol, period.

Use Nashvill Number System, that seems to be matching your needs.
Or use staff text.
Or use Roman Numeral Analysis
Or Figured Bass, this is what that document seems to be talking about

Status by design closed

Okay, I've finally understood that I did not use the right tool for my use.
This doesn't autorize you to be unfair and aggressive.
Good day.

Status closed by design

I don't see where I might've been unfair or aggressive, none was intended at least, appologies if it came accross as that.