Playback Disabled (greyed out)

• Feb 4, 2022 - 20:31

Months of trying to figure this out to no avail. If anyone has any advice or has fixed this problem themselves, please let us know. I'm dying to use Musescore the way I used to...

I have mid-2015 Macbook Pro Retina with Intel Core i7.
I have tried EVERYTHING on the FAQ page. (
I have gone through and installed older versions of Musescore (I tried multiple in the 3. the 2. and the 1. versions...)
No matter what I do, playback is greyed out, synthesizer is greyed out, and I/O doesn't list anything.

This is such a great program and I used it for all my compositions throughout college. I just want to sit down and notate my music in here again. I prefer Musescore to any other music notation software. And so, this evening I try once more to ask if any person here has a solution for this horrible digital illness. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Most likely some other program has requested and been granted exclusive use of your audio device. You need to find which and shut it down, or find out how to convince macOS not to let programs do that.

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