Opening mscz files automatically marks them as changed even without changes

• Apr 21, 2022 - 21:22

I'm using MuseScore on Windows

When I open mscz files, the files are frequently marked with an asterisk (*) indicating that they have been changed, even though I haven't changed them. I don't have any plugins installed.
I mention this because it's a bit of a nuisance when I try to "CTRL-W"/close a file and I'm prompted to save changes before closing.

Any thoughts on what is causing this issue?

Thank you.
I should mention that my question is similar to this one (, but I am not opening MIDI files. I'm opening mscz files.


Your mscz files likely stem from an older version of MuseScore (pre 3.6).
Since 3.6 MuseScore features a new default notation font and with it come new default style settings. This means that to preserve your scores as they were, MuseScore now needs to record your old default settings into the file to prevent them being overwritten with the new defaults.

In a sense, it "imports" all pre-3.6 scores.

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