Entering notes in linked staff causes corruption in irregular measures

• Sep 18, 2014 - 13:58
S2 - Critical

Enter notes in a linked staff causes corruption in irregular measures

MuseScore 2.0 Beta / Windows8

1) Open default score

2) "I" -> Select staff1 -> Add linked staff (so, with bass clef) -> Ok

3) Select the third measure -> Right-click -> Measure Properties -> Change Nominal Duration (4/4) for Actual Duration (3/4)

4) Reproduce the same operation for the fourth measure (I added a double bar only for design), by changing Nominal (4/4) for Actual (1/4)

Result? Inexpected in the linked staff: whole rest + quarter rest in the third measure, and whole rest in the fourth measure

5) Continue : via the first staff (important), add three quarter notes (C, below the staff) in the third measure, and a quarter note in the fourth

Result: correct (good surprise!) BUT,


6) Reproduce the same process, but in step #5, you change by entering the notes in the linked staff.

Result: the measures are corrupted: four beats in the third measure, two in the fourth, and six in the fifth :(


-And finally


Workaround: enter the notes exclusively in the first staff, never in the linked staff.

Attachment Size
1Irregular.jpg 8.88 KB
2Irregular.jpg 14.7 KB
3Irregular.jpg 15.7 KB
4Irregular.jpg 17.19 KB


For accuracy, I had already noted the corruption on May 22 in comment#7 of this thread.

I think the issue has been partially fixed?

I confess my fault for not have reopened the issue at that time: I was really happy to have a stable solution, finally!
This "oblivion" because I use a lot this feature in early instrumental music. And because Werner had worked a lot on this point in an already dense period in various events, in my memory.

I had preferred to leave it there, since the workaround works (except for the rests display.) I do not even know if we can talk about a workaround since it seems quite “logical” to enter notes in the first staff when selecting linked staves.
Workaround, or enter notes by “logical” manner: anyway the corruption exists, and it is about time to report it. Better late than never !

For the record, one might fear that the act of copying and pasting these corrupted measures causes a crash. It's the opposite, it fixes the corruption! (well, almost ...) Indeed, playback does what it can!

Attachment Size
copy-past.jpg 27.5 KB
Title Enter notes in a linked staff causes corruption in irregular measures Entering notes in linked staff causes corruption in irregular measures