dInvisible Bar lines

• Jun 23, 2023 - 17:35

How can I make my barlines invisible -- as if I wanted to create something like Gregorian chant-style music.


Right click on the barline and from the popup menu use select all similar. Then use keyboard shortcut V to make them all invisible. They will still show up in the score on screen but coloured grey rather than black. However, they will not print.

You may find this part of the handbook useful https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/mensural-notation-and-mensurstrich It describes more options for unmeasured notation which are less restrictive than having fixed measure lengths with invisible barlines.

Making them invisible isn't what I'd recommend, though. That will still leave extra space, and won't allow (except via an experimental style setting) notes that cross the boundary, and will create other layout issues as well.

Instead, simply join the measures you want to display on one system, using the command in Tools/ Measures. And the corresponding split command to chop out beats you don't want.

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