Move and align notes

• Jan 10, 2024 - 15:24

I am trying to replicate the score of a hymn. In the last measure, I haven't found a way to align notes in Musescore as they are in the original. (Image of the original measure and Musescore file are attached.)

If I slide the dotted half notes on the bass clef to align with the dotted halfs in the treble clef, using the mouse, the entire upper chord moves with them. If I adjust the offsets for notehead and stem, the duration dot does not move with them.

Are there other ways to do this?

Attachment Size
First Hand original last measure.png 79.56 KB
First Hand.mscz 30.82 KB


Try this.
Select one of the bass clef notes. Open the Properties tab. Select "Appearance". Change the "Offset" to something like 2. For me, that moved the bass notes over under the treble notes.

While this particular case is subjective, in general, the way MuseScore has it here is correct, and there is no reason to modify it just because another editor using different tools with different defaults chose to do it differently.

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