Slurs are not saved if connecting with rests, and leads to a crash

• Oct 26, 2014 - 14:54
S2 - Critical

Nightly, October 23 (fc3ea8e) / Windows7

First reported here:

1. Open this file, from "My First Score"/Nightly:

(If opened by Beta1, no matter, I have checked, same result, the issue is previous to the Beta1.)

2. Add slurs on the first note (measure 1), and on the first notes (measure 2, on voices 1 and 2). Like this.

3. Save the score.

4. Reopen

Result: correct for the slur connected to an other note (measure 2, Voice 1)

But the slurs are lost if connected to a rest (measure 1), except in measure 3, where the start of the slur of the Voice 2 (connected to a rest) remained in place.

That may be edited.

Attachment Size
test.mscz 1.64 KB
test1.jpg 17.74 KB
result.jpg 15.65 KB
edited.jpg 18.96 KB


Title Slurs are not saved if connecting with rests Slurs are not saved if connecting with rests, and leads to a crash

1. Open this file: test slur voice2.mscz -> Add a slur on the B (half note, voice 2)

2. Copy-paste the measure 2 (staff1) in the measure 2 (staff 2) : result : you see the slur crossing the staff

3. "I" -> Select staff 2 -> Add linked staff (same staff type always) -> Ok

Result: crash

Additionnal note: if, at the step #2, you copy-paste the measure 2 (staff 1) in an other measure of the staff 2 (first, third, fourth), the slur is definitively lost.

Consequently, add a linked staff do not lead to this crash.

Definitively lost? You notice, in this case (copy-paste in a measure, except measure 2), that adding a linked staff allows the return to the slur in the staff 3!

If you return to "I", you see that the staff 3 is now linked to staff1. Why?

three staves.jpg

Attachment Size
test slur voice2.mscz 1.55 KB
three staves.jpg 29.2 KB