Distance between 32nd and next note too small

• Dec 14, 2014 - 11:32
S4 - Minor

Der Abstand zwischen (doppelt punktierte Achtel + 32-tel) und der folgenden Note ist zu klein

GIT commit: 1efc609

Attachment Size
musescore_bug_abstand.JPG 10.93 KB


Translating "Der Abstand zwischen (doppelt punktierte Achtel + 32-tel) und der folgenden Note ist zu klein":
Distance between (double dotted 8th + 32nd) and the following note is too small

Well, I think the actual problem is that the distance between any 32nd and the next note is too small, nothing to do with the previous note or its augmentation dots.

And it is still an issue with the latest 7a67e63

The minimum distance between notes is actually a configurable style parameter - Style / General / Measure / Minimum note distance. So you can make MuseScore increase this distance yourself. The default is 0.25sp (an "sp" is the size of a staff space, the standard unit of measurement in MuseScore). Maybe we could consider changing it?