lyrics both above and below the staff in the same measure

• Feb 3, 2015 - 14:46

In version 2, how can I write lyrics both above and below the staff? I am writing two voices on one staff: "blue" voice notes with stems down and then control-L to write lyrics below the staff, "green" voice notes with stems up, but then control-L on a "green" note clobbers the "blue" note lyrics.


I find that using the odd versus even styles for this purpose is unreliable. it works if there is only one verse per voice, but otherwise, you get gaps between the verses. So far, I have found the best solution to be to eneter the lyrics for the upper voice first, then right click one, Select / More... / Same voice, and use Inspector to move them above staff. Then enter lower vocie lyrics normally.

Having a more direct way to do this - also to be able to have above & below settings for other other elements like dynamics or staff text - is on my very short list of things I'd most like to see for 2.1. Miwarre had implemented something quite a while ago, but it was deemed too big a change at that point. I suppose had it been known just how long 2.0 would drag out and how much else was changing, that decision might have gone the other way...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My implementation of the Above staff / Below staff position selector is still there somewhere... I suspect a lot of lots of things haver changed since then and there will be much to rebase, but it was working once upon a time (and, indeed, it was not so big as some of the following changes...)


@Gene Gaunt, If you settle ... try this:
enter the lyrics of the first voice;
Click on the first note of the the second voice, Ctrl + L and Enter: the cursor moves to the second line;
Enter the lyrics for second voice.
Right click on a syllable of the voice 2> Select> More: Same subtype (Verse 2).
When they are all blue drag with the mouse.
Approximately as mentioned here:

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