Bagpipe music

• Apr 18, 2010 - 12:47
S5 - Suggestion

I play Highland bagpipes and I have used a program called PipeWriter, but unfortunately it no longer exists and it doesn't work on Windows Vista. Bagpipe music is slightly different to a normal score in the following ways:
- the stems all go down
- the high use of grace notes and conjoined gracenotes (all have stems up)
- no sharps or flats, however it is basically the key of A (i.e. 2 sharps). The C# and F# are played as C & F.
- only 9 notes used - G above middle C to high A
However, otherwise it is very simple in that it is a single line, single part score that may (unlikely) include a drum score as well. The grace note arrangements follow fairly fixed formats as well, so that they could possibly be in a predefined library.
If you could add in a Highland Bagpipe (I think the same applies for small pipes) that would be great. The Irish Uillean pipes I think are similar, however I believe that they can span 2 octaves, but I really don't know enough about them.
I tried using Muse Score, but adding the grace notes was difficult, especially as some movements e.g. a crowned birl, use 5 grace notes before the note. I have attached a copy of a relatively simple pipe tune.
If you have any questions about the music, please contact me.
Regards, James

Attachment Size
scotland_brave.pdf 55.8 KB


I tried to make a plugin for inserting such movements/gracenotes, but unfortunatly, the plugin-framework does not support adding gracenotes. My request for this issue would be, to add the possibility adding gracenotes to the plugin-framework, if that is possible. As soon this is working, I will finish my plugin and this issue can be closed (on my point of view).

Regards, Chris