Bar numbers shown in Status bar different from bar numbers on staffs

• Jul 23, 2015 - 19:59

If you look at the attached score (which is in 12/8 with an eight note anacrusis) you will notice that there is a mismatch throughout the score between the bar numbers being indicated in the status bar and the bar numbers being shown over the staff. The problem is in both page and continuous views.

Attachment Size
bar_number_error.mscz 12.99 KB


MuseScore's status bar counts all measures, the measure numbers though don't, it there are measures excluded from count, like for pickup measures. Or the reset measure count that happens after a section break.
No bug, but by design, and not a problem at all.
Also the sanity check does report the same measure numbers as the status bar and the Ctrl+F feature takes those numbers, not the ones shown in the score

Right, you have the ability to visually create all sorts of different measure numbering schemes, including ones in which there are 100 measures each displaying the number 42 or whatever you like. But internally, each of those measures has a unique and sequential number, and it's important to be able to access that.

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