8va lines: drag and drop gives different results to double-click

• Jul 27, 2015 - 15:58

(Win 7 HP. Musescore 2.0.2 official). Open the attached MuseScore file (which was originally imported as a MIDI file). Import the "custom_lines" palette provided.

Apply an Ottava from the custom palette in two ways:

1. Drag and drop to a note. The Ottava correctly preserves its user-customised properties. (But the line properties says 12 pt. The latter is a known issue.)

2. Double click on a note: The Ottava unexpectedly assumes the appearance and text properties of the Menu "styles > text >Ottava" dialog (which is, in this case, the default provided for imported MIDI files). If you open line properties you will see something like the following:


Attachment Size
midi_import_8va_problem.mscz 17.58 KB
custom_lines.mpal 1.14 KB


And for now at least, we are considering this a feature. Previous to 2.0, there was no easy way to get ottavas to actually use the correct symbols. You had to manually edit the lines to get those. Now, double click gives you what drag & drop arguably should have given you all along. I'm a little reluctant to fix the drag & drop behavior because people are probably used to it. So we're not sure what the right answer will turn out to be.

The important thing, surely, is that application by both methods should be consistent and preserve the cutomised appearance of the line as it was set up in the palette.

In reply to by geetar

While consistency is good, it isn't necessarily better than providing options. But I don't quite understand what is meant about customized lines. Can you give precise series of steps to reproduce a problem with those? What specific customization are you seeing be lost? As far as I can tell, it's the other way around - drag & drop loses properties, since it replaces the symbol with ordinary text.

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