Full score - parts

• Sep 30, 2010 - 02:41

Hi - I am creating a full score for wind band an am confused about the parts. Do I have to write the parts on the full score first and then extract the parts? If I want more than one instrument of each type, eg 2 flutes, do I write these as two voices on the one flute line? Is so, will the two voices automatically show as separate parts?
Thank you for this program, by the way. It's great.


As Xavierjazz summarized, you first write the full score and then extract the parts.

I just discovered that part extraction is not described in the manual. So:

Part extraction is made of two main steps:
1) Defining what each part will contain
2) Actually creating the part


Once the score is set up (at least once all instruments have been added to it, but not necessarily written our in full), parts needs to be defined:

1) Menu "Files | Parts...": on the dialogue box, for each part you need:

2) Click button "New"
3) On the right side, fill the "File name" and "Part title" with relevant info; for instance, "fl1" and "Flute I" respectively (this is not mandatory, but quite useful).
4) Select the instrument(s) you want to appear on that part, by checking the box(es) on the left of the instrument names in the instrument list.

Usually only one instrument is checked for each part, but it is possible to extract several instruments to the same part, if needed.

Repeat steps 2), 3) and 4) for each part you need.

5) Click the "Close" button. Part definitions is complete.

As you see, it is possible to have several instruments in a single part, but IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to split a single staff (with two or more voices) into separate parts. So, any instrument which is going to have its own part needs to have its own staff in the full score. This may require some planning.


Once you have the full score written out, or even once you have at least some music input and want to check how parts will look like:

6) Menu "File | Parts..." again. In the dialogue box, for each part you you need:

7) Select the part in the part list at the left
8) Push the "Create part" button: a new tab is added to the score main window with the newly created part

Repeat steps 7) and 8) for each part you need. It is not necessary to create all the parts at the same time. Also any part can be re-created at any time (for instance if the score did change) with steps 7) 8) without re-doing the previous steps.


Parts are created as NON-YET-SAVED files: each part you just created needs to be saved (with the usual Save command) or it will be lost. Usually you may want to review it before saving to check proper formatting.

Hoping it will help...


In reply to by xavierjazz

Hi Xavier,

thanks for the implicit trust, but I do not think I will do it:

a) English is not my mother language
b) I do not have enough familiarity with the manual itself to ensure enough consistency (style, terminology, and so on).

Anyway, if anybody else want to do it, he may freely take the above summary of the part extraction process, quoting, adding, deleting, elaborating and so on at will!


In reply to by Miwarre

I too would like to contribute and perhaps be a part of documenting important aspects, but I also feel that there is a style to emulate and I don't really have the time right now.

As you know I have followed much of your writing here with interest, and I feel that you have a clarity of perception and an ability to focus on the salient features that need to be documented, so I would encourage you. Perhaps we can collaborate again a little bit?


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