Repeat twice a measure before MM rests causes a crash

• Aug 29, 2015 - 16:15
S2 - Critical

Nightly 6bec096/ Windows7

1) Open this file : test file.mscz
2) Select the first measure
2) Hit "R" key twice
Result: crash


After checking, this issue occurs on July 30, 2014.

- With this Nightly: e7e9d9f,
I receive a result as expected:
30 juillet e7e9.jpg

- Not with this one: a8f472c
Result: crash

- I have watched. Not sure, but maybe related to this commit:…
To fix: #28501: Copy / paste doesn't propagate slurs correctly to linked staves/parts
Indeed, in the aspect #2 reported in this issue, mmrest is invoked.
A hypothesis, nothing more!

I can now confirm my PR *does* fix this. BTW, notice even before July 30, 2014, while you did not get a crash, the selection was wrong after the operation (it appears to extend to the end of the score). That bad selection is actually the cause of the crash. My PR fixes the crash by fixing the selection.

I'm curious - is it just coincidence that you discovered this within hours of when I submitted a PR that fixes it, or was it while investigating the other bugs this PR addresses that you discovered this one?

Thanks for the confirmation.
It's just a coincidence. I try always to understand the inner workings of this bug (really surprising by the different aspects in the time). #74946: Crash / corruption on copy/paste with end segment in mmrest
And because I am very annoyed not to have found the root of this issue and its location! There were so many issues with these mm rests in past time (and now, even much less!) that I would have liked to discover this one! :)

So, I was trying various things, and therefore the action inter alia of repeat a measure before mm rests.