Note entry without strict time keeping

• Nov 24, 2010 - 08:44
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion
won't fix

Changing note attributes (velocity, duration, stem direction, etc) of more than one note at a time, is far too complex.

1. Proposal: Ability to select more than one adjacent note at a time.
Selecting by mouse, or Shift + relevant left/right arrow key, as in MS Word, etc.
Any note characteristic changes should then be applied to all the selected notes as a group.
Example: Select the last two half notes of one bar and the first three quarter notes of the next bar. Then change all their values to eigths instead, and change some other common characteristics such as the linking line and stem direction, staccato dots, etc. I could not find a way to do this simply in MuseScore, while this is very easy in other programs like Noteworthy Composer. The complicating factor is MuseScore trying to automatically balance each bar, note for note change, in real time by insertion/removal of rests.

2. Proposal: Desist from trying to automatically balance each bar note for note in real time.
This happens when bar contents are changed, say changing quarter notes to eights. The user should easily be able to insert/change notes and bar lines at will, with no interference by MuseScore. Balancing should be done with a separate function at the user's own discretion, say after completing many bars. Or alternatively, automatically only when leaving a bar by inserting a bar line or selecting some other part of the score. This removes a lot of complexity in MuseScore software programming and user editing caused by automatic note by note balancing.
Try to change two bars of full of quarter notes to eigths. This should do away with one bar line and not introduce a lot of unwanted rests. The bars are currently flooded with eigth rests as each quarter is changed, causing much frustration to do what is needed. Removing the bar line and rests is now wellnigh impossible, or at least an unnecessary sequence of actions. This problem should disappear if normal editing (adding and deleting notes, bar lines, rests etc at will) is allowed and automatic balancing is postponed, such as being done by using a choice button, or only when the user leaves the bar by inserting a bar line or selecting another bar.

If current users prefer the current ways, the requested improvements can be implemented as options in the program preferences viz.
1. Select adjacent notes by mouse, or using Shift + left/right arrows.
2. Do Bar auditing/balancing only on user's request. Not automatically.
3. Do automatic Bar auditing/balancing only when leaving the bar.


At least for the moment it is beyond the scope of MuseScore to support two styles of editing: strict time keeping and no time keeping for measures.

Changing velocity of multiple notes is a separate bug and should be filed separately. Changing the stem direction of multiple notes is already supported in the latest nightly builds . For more information about filing bugs in the issue tracker see How to write a good bug report .