Printing Problems

• Oct 14, 2015 - 05:48

I have an orchestral score that I'm trying to print out but the bottom part of the page doesn't come out at all, only a line. When I try importing it to a PDF file, I get the same result. I've really had it with Musescore recently, from failed printing to freezes and I'm just trying to get this score printed. Please help before Musescore makes me punch my screen (again).........


Hard to tell without seeing the score (the mscz file) , but I guess the page length of the score and of the printer/paper simply don't match?

@Mr.Klunee, open a score (eg Movement in A major) then: Layout/Page settings ...
Change the "Scaling" value (but becomes difficult to read) or change the page size (eg A3). In this case, as PDF, you must choose "fit to page" if the paper size of the printer is letter.

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