Beam crashed

• Dec 22, 2015 - 08:50

mscore2b.JPG Hi

I try to use Debian raspberry2b computer and MuseScore 2,0,2.
Beams do not work.

I have 2 pictures that shows the problem.
It seem to me that something is maybe missing or
installed wrong because in another picture
you can see the MuseScore try to load something musescore problem.JPG
but it do not get it?

Sorry bad english
but maybe these pictures can tell something,

Best regards

Attachment Size
musescore problem.JPG 77.14 KB


I do not know if it can work for you:
Ctrl + A, then from the palette "Beam Properties" click on the first symbol and then to "Auto"


It do not work.
Control +A select all notes but thats all.
I have two musescore icons in the taskbar
MuseSore: Rasberry and Musescore2?

How can i remove MuseSore: Rasberry?
i have 2 MuseScores probably?

Best regards
Ahti N

In reply to by Shoichi


mscore -F

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mscore -F
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
initScoreFonts 0x1c83ce8
PulseAudio Context Connect Failed with Error: Connection refused
init PulseAudio failed
no audio driver found
init Help from:
cannot setup data for help engine: Cannot open collection file: /usr/share/mscore-2.0/manual/doc_en_GB.qhc
Cannot start I/O
sequencer init failed
QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.

I can use another audio so all other system works but beams.

Best regards

In order to do more than guess at the problem, we would need you to attach the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. Also, if this score was imported from some other program - perhaps from an earlier version of MuseScore - let us know that as well. Anything that might be relevant about how the score got to its current state.


I tried Control+A again
and double click beam ( first icon)
and all beams vanished.
It looked much more understandable notation to me.
When i clicked autobeam icon , the mess came back.
The test scores were from museScore 2.0.2 Windows Xp3 system.

And new computer is Rasperrypi 2b
screen resolution 1920x1080
Operating system : Rasbian GNU/Linux8(jessie)(Kernel: Linux 4.1.13-v7+)
Cpu:ARMv7 Processor rev5(v71)

The MuseScore try to load something but it does not start.
In the first picture You can see it try to download something.
Is these facts any use?

Thank you
and best regards

In reply to by Ahti

Sorry, a typo - I meant "and". As in, post the score, and tell us the steps to reproduce the problem. Although it looks like from the picture you posted that maybe the problem happens with any score, and it happens as soon as you load the score? Sounds like the version of MuseScore you have might not be compatibile with your system. I vaguely recall someone else having trouble getting things working on a Pi, but I can't find the post now.

This issue was fixed on in Jan with this commit:…

If you had searched the forum for "long" "stems" "beams" you would have found and replied to my bug report I made in the forum on Nov 26 "arch linux ARMv7-A extremely long stems on beamed notes"

I am working to put together a nightly portable build that would have this fix included...I'll try to remember to reply back here when that's finalized...

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